St John's is an academy within the Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust (BDAT) and has a Governing Body made up of parents, staff, members of the community, representatives of local churches and governors co-opted because of their area of expertise.
Governors meet at school on a number of occasions throughout the year.
Governors also visit school during the day to meet with the children and help with other areas of school life.
If you would like more information about their work, you can read the minutes of all Governors' Meetings at school.
Our Chair of Governors, Canon Gary Hodgson, can be contacted via the school office, via email at or via a letter sent to the school address
St John's CE Primary School
Dawson Lane
Please mark 'For the attention of the Chair of Governors'.
St John's Register of Interest can be found here
BDAT's Memorandum and Articles of Associate can be found here.
BDAT's Trust Structure can be found here.
BDAT's Register of Interest can be found here.
BDAT's Trustees' Terms of Office can be found here.
BDAT's Trustees' Attendance Records can be found here.